Calligram Project

    This calligram was made in Adobe Illustrator. I used tools such as the ellipse tool, curvature tool, and the type on path tool to create this sun. I liked using Illustrator and think it is a very cool app to use that allows you to make many different pieces, such as, a calligram or a logo. I am happy with how my sun came out and think it looks really nice. 

    The text that makes up the sun is from a letter that I wrote to my future self (featured below). It also included lyrics to You are My Sunshine on some of the sun rays. I chose to do a sun because I love suns and what they symbolize and when I was younger my mom use to sing me You are My Sunshine to me every night. In my letter I talk about how I hope my future is bright and that I hope that I am happy. I believe the sun is a great representation of this. 

Letter to Future Self:

Dear Future Self, 

    Right now, I am a senior in college during Corona. It's a weird time and I am sad to be a senior, but I am excited for what the future holds. Senior year is a very different from what I expected, but I am still making the most of it and am having a lot of fun. Currently, I am working on a Digital media project and am making a sun. I chose the sun because suns are my favorite symbol. They represent joy, hope, life, and happiness. I think I love suns so much because Mom used to sing You are My Sunshine to use every night before we went to bed. 

    My dreams are to become a medical esthetician, fall in love, and have a family (including a dog). I hope you have all of this and more, but even if this is not what the future holds, I most importantly hope you are happy. Just like the symbol of the sun, I hope you light up the room and generate a positive light to those around you. I hope life is good and I cannot wait to be you.





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