Self Portrait Poster
This image was create in Illustrator using many different tools including the pen, rectangle, type, and eye dropper tools. I also used multiple layers. To create this, I started with a photo of myself and traced my features on a separate layer using the pen tool. I then took inspiration from other photos and made it into a minimalist Black Lives Matter poster. When researching for ideas for this project, I came across a picture of a lady holding a sign (featured below) that said "racism is the original American pandemic." I read this and thought it was so powerful and I was instantly inspired.
I am very happy with how my poster turned out. I think it is very impactful with a strong message. The words I used are a perfect metaphor that many can understand in times like now. It is open for interpretation, but I believe anyway you interpret this message, it really makes you think about what racism has done to the world and how terrible it truly is. Like the Pandemic, it has killed countless number of people, it has made people scared to leave their homes, it has separated the world and has caused so much hatred and pain. Just like the virus, we need to put an end to racism. Through this poster I show my support for the Black Lives Matter movement, a movement that I believe everyone should be behind.
Original Photo/Selfie:
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